Give the gift of Federal Donuts & Chicken!
Let's take a moment to make someone's day!



Gift Page

Purchase Page

Design Your Card

A large white rooster outline on a white background with a Federal Donuts & Chicken logo.
A cake made of fried chicken sandwiches with the heading "Happy Birthday!" and a small Federal Donuts & Chicken badge logo on the bottom left.
A donut with a candle in it & stars on a blue background. "Happy Birthday!" in bubble letters on the left with a Federal Donuts & Chicken logo below.
A fried chicken sandwich & cinnamon brown sugar donut with multicolored lightning bolts. "Congrats!" in the upper left corner & a Federal Donuts & Chicken logo below.
upload your designs
1. Click on Upload your Designs and choose a design you wish to upload.
2. Design size should be less than 500kb.
3. Design image format must be in (png, jpeg, jpg).

Select Amount
$ 1
$ 1000

Use slider or enter amount

Send Your Gift

Email Delivery

Your gift will be sent to your recipient via email and we will notify you as soon as they open their gift.

SMS Delivery

Your recipient will receive an SMS text notification with a link to their gift. We will notify you as soon as they open their gift.

We're sorry facebook gifting is temporarily unavailable please send the gift via email or sms instead.

Twitter Login

Send a Gift via Twitter

We will tweet your gift as well as send the gift details privately via email or SMS if mentioned


  • Gift card sales are final
  • Gift cards are not refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash, except where required by law
  • Gift cards cannot be replaced if lost or stolen
  • Gift cards terms and conditions apply

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